December 16, 2021

Family Farm Lifestyle Portrait Session | Kingman, Indiana Family Photographer

I am sooooo far behind on posting my Fall 2021 portrait sessions, but now that the weather is getting colder and busy season is over, I promise to catch up – starting with this family farm lifestyle session!

First of all, I’m a bit speechless. The photography industry is not an easy one. On the one hand, it’s relatively low overhead to begin a photography business. However, most of us already know a photographer – or 10 – so in most areas, it’s a pretty saturated market, making it hard to establish and sustain a business.

But y’all.

I was blown away this fall by the love and support you all showed my small photography business. Honestly, I never dreamed I’d be so busy for my very first fall photography season.

And I was super honored that my very first clients in this new (but also old) venture were my brother-in-law, sister-in-law, nieces, and nephew!

Honestly, my husband’s family are some of the most supportive humans I know! I told them I was getting back into photography, and they were there for it!

We had a BLAST during this session, too! It was super laid back – I went to their farm and we shot the entire session on their gorgeous property. (P.s. I ADORE shooting at clients’ homes, because there’s nowhere on earth that’s more meaningful or representative of a family than their own home!) It was only like a million degrees that evening (seriously, I think even our eyeballs were sweating), but they were such troopers and we still had so much fun!

Also, here’s a fun fact that I was just telling someone a few days ago. Sarah and I were best friends growing up. When we were really little, we lived right across the street from each other in Kingman, and then eventually both our families moved away. Sarah and I stayed best friends throughout our growing up years (because our moms are AWESOME), and then we ended up marrying brothers! The craziest part of that is that is even though I was already dating Blaise, Sarah just happened to meet Ross through a completely different avenue. I never dreamt in a million years that we would be family, but I am sooooo thankful that we are!

Okay, so without further ado, here’s mi familia!

Ginter Family Farm Lifestyle Session | Hillsboro, Indiana Family Photographer

Okay, so one of my very favorite things about having sessions at people’s houses or farms is that we get to include your animals!

Once we were finished with the actual session, I asked Sarah if she’d want to feed her chickens. I followed her out to their pen and got a few shots of her chickens and one of her [kind of mean] turkeys. LOOOOOOVE these!!

Ginter Family, thank you SO MUCH for trusting me to document this season of your family! You all are some of my favorite humans and I cannot wait until next time!

And for the rest of you, if you have a farm you’d like to have your session on, I’m literally all about it!

Family farm lifestyle sessions are so. much. fun! And your property doesn’t have to be “Pinterest perfect” to be absolutely perfect for your session. Seriously! Let’s chat about it and see if it’s right for you!

Want to get your family portrait session scheduled in 2022? I’m booking now, so shoot me a message to get started!